Set and satisfy delivery expectations

Drive more sales

Drive more sales

When given an “earliest delivery date” rather than a “ships by” date, customers are 55% more likely to make a purchase.

Decrease cart abandonment rate

Decrease cart abandonment rate

41% of customers abandon their online carts due to a mismatch in delivery date expectations.

Boost customer satisfaction

Boost customer satisfaction

Consumers consider delivery date reliability their primary concern after price when selecting an online retailer.

UncommonGoods improves the delivery experience through proactive customer support with project44
Uncommon Goods

How it works

How it works


Increase delivery accuracy

With machine learning models developed from 26 billion shipment events, eCommerce Predictive Delivery Dates achieve up to 60% higher accuracy compared to carriers.


Multiple date estimates

Choose between two dates estimation options to present to customers. An aggressive model aims to maximize accuracy while the conservative model aims to minimize late errors.


Automate risk analysis

Our models maintain a middle ground between over and under-promises, giving shippers a clear view of risks to their delivery accuracy.

Consumer Visibility

Keep end consumers more informed and engaged with real-time visibility of last-mile shipments on tailored branded tracking pages with personalized delivery alerts. 

Last Mile Resolution

Enhance customer experience with a dedicated management hub that highlights distressed shipments within your network with self-service resolution options. 

Last Mile Insights

Access essential analytics and metrics on carrier and shipment performance, empowering your team to tackle the most important delivery issues. 

Start your high-velocity supply chain journey today